We help you to reach your full potential

With our products, the workplaces, homes, and meeting places of the future are built to meet the needs and requirements of tomorrow.

The construction industry accounts for approximately 40% of global CO₂ emissions and urgently needs a transition toward green, renewable materials and circular processes to reduce climate impact and resource consumption.

We offer a product portfolio focused on quality and profitability—tailored and simplified to help you reach your full potential. With our wood products, your projects can achieve sustainability across certification systems and calculations—profitable, time-efficient, and straightforward for you.

You get a complete range of solid wood products, including strength-graded structural timber, cladding, dimension-planed wood, battens, roof underlayment boards, decking, and formwork timber.

Wood protection treatments

Contact us for more information

Johan Larsson, Group Manager for Business Development

Johan Larsson

Group Manager for Business Development

Lars Nilsson, Sales Representative for Industrial Construction

Lars Nilsson

Sales Representative for Industrial Construction